6 Ways to Show Love to Your Dog

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Did you know that Dogs rank among the top 5 most intelligent, most adaptable animals? If you are a dog owner then you might have had these suspicions for sure. According to Collaborative research by the University of Liverpool and the University of Western Australia, Dogs are one of the few animals to understand social structure, to map out human emotions, to obey, and to understand and adhere to human instructions.

Why is this relevant? This speaks to the realization that dogs form bonds not just with other dogs or other pets, they form lasting bonds with humans and are constantly seeking approval. Just like you, your dog needs love, affection and occasional gratification, which is why https://www.authenticdogs.com/how-to-make-your-dog-love-you/ came up with 6 easy ways you can show love to your dog.

Try a Kind Gaze Every So Often

Up to 90% of the communication between you and your dog is non-verbal. The best and most recommended way to show your dog you care is by sharing lingering eye contact every once in a while. A kind gaze not only improves the production of oxytocin on both dogs and humans, but it also creates an atmosphere of approval, making your dog feel loved and appreciated.

The Lean

Change things up a bit. A dog will tend to lean on its owner as a sign of affection. Do the same. Leaning on your dog also creates the same feeling of love. Your dog will spend the entire day waiting for you to get home so it can jump all over you. Most people are incapable of faking facial expressions after a long day, so instead of trying to force-raise your eyebrows, just gently lean on your dog, it is just as effective.

An Occasional Walk in the Park

You may say ‘I love you’ to your dog a dozen times a day, but if you don’t share experiences, especially outdoors, then it’s all for nothing. Walks build trust, and if you can couple this with other experiences like playing together, or even training routines, then your bond will be much stronger. Dogs like it when you spend time with them when you create a schedule that they can warm into and become part of. Dogs actually thrive on activity, so if you want to show your dog that you really do care, then fix a schedule.


Although dogs are predominantly non-verbal, they still try to talk to you when they are agitated, or they want something. Learning canine body language is a must for any dog owner. We recommend: Dr. Sofia Yin and understanding dog body language

Pay particular attention to low pitched sounds. Dogs tend to growl when they are communicating that they are afraid or uncomfortable in a particular situation. A show of affection like a kind gaze or a look of empathy may help reduce tension in this regard, but it is also important to keep a safe distance. Although growling can indicate fear, discomfort, or a warning to stay away, many dogs also growl during play, or use low pitched sounds to vocalize or “talk” to their human and animal companions.

High pitches like whimpers and cries can indicate anxiety and may mean that your dog wants something.

Sleep Next to Your Dog

Your dog will only sleep next to you if it considers you family. This is why sleeping next to your dog is one of the best and most effective ways to show your dog affection. Sometimes keeping up with a dog’s activity may be exhausting, but even relaxing together works just as well.

Reward Your Dog

Most dog owners focus on reprimanding their dogs when they do wrong rather than rewarding them when they do good. This pattern of behavior will make your dog apprehensive and it will feed into mistrust. While it is important to show your dog boundaries, it is also important to reward it when it does something right. Rewarding your dog often when does something as small as welcoming your home is a great way to show love and build trust.

Bottom Line

Dogs are intelligent animals, they can tell how you are feeling just from observing your facial expressions. For this reason, it is crucial to work on your non-verbal cues to ensure you don’t give off the wrong signals.